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What Makes Lowther Manor Lodge Special


  • FREINDLINESS - We have a well earned reputation for being a welcoming and friendly lodge. Whether you are new to the lodge, visiting from nearby or from far away, you will feel welcome from the time you arrive to the time you depart.


  • WE ARE BUSY - We are a band of brothers who enjoy each other’s company at work and at play. Our reputation extends to having a wide variety of events and opportunities for fraternal fellowship, service, and fun as our calendar and these pages will attest.


  • WE TAKE PRIDE IN OUR WORK - Our officers, floor workers and instructors rehearse every week when there is not a stated (monthly business and program) meeting or “extra” meeting for conferring degrees. We have a reputation for excellence in our ritualistic work as well as in how we execute our meetings and other activities. Are we perfect? Of course not. The difference is that we are committed to exert that extra measure of effort required to produce work worthy of a master craftsman.



Where Are We Located and Where Do Our Members Live?

   Our lodge is chartered in the area once known as "Lowther Manor". Our current location is south of that historic location but remains in what is referred to as the “West Shore” area of suburban Harrisburg, PA. Our membership resides in a much larger area. Eighty percent of our membership reside within a twenty minute drive of the lodge building.


Our Lodge Building is NEW!

   Lowther Manor Lodge rented space from West Shore Lodge No. 681 in Camp Hill, PA for over 50 years. After that lodge merged with Eureka Lodge in Mechanicsburg and the Camp Hill lodge building was sold, Lowther Manor Lodge rented space from Perry Lodge in Marysville, PA. After a diligent search, the opportunity arose to purchase the present lodge building and property at a very reasonable price. No indebtedness was required. This property, located in Fairview Township, PA. promises to be Lowther Manor Lodge's home for many years to come.



   We welcome Masonic visitors at any of our meetings from all jurisdictions recognized by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. If you have attended a lodge meeting with one of our brothers who can vouch for you, you will be admitted without examination. Should this not be the case you will need your up-to-date dues card from your home lodge and will be subject to a brief examination to verify your credentials. Our purpose is to get you IN, not keep you out.


  • Our stated meeting night is the 2nd Tuesday of the month, September through June.

  • Your entry will be expedited if you contact our Secretary in advance. See our CONTACT Info page.

  • Our stated meetings begin at 7:30 PM. Dinners are served at selected meetings and usually begin at 6:00 PM (check EVENTS for current month's schedule.). Extra meetings and rehearsals begin at 7:00 PM.

  • Please arrive at least 20 minutes early if you are visiting for the first time.

  • DRESS CODE - The standard for attire at stated meetings in Pennsylvania lodges is coat & tie (Suits/Sports coats must be buttoned with aprons worn on the outside.) Lowther Manor Lodge preferred dress at EXTRA meetings is the same but "business casual" attire is acceptable. If you are traveling and only have "business casual" attire available for a stated meeting that is fine and you will not be turned away. Pennsylvania "business casual" attire is a collared long or short-sleeved dress shirt, or dressy polo/golf shirt with collar, slacks, and closed toe shoes. Non-collared shirts, T-shirts, jeans, sneakers, sandals, or similar attire are not considered to be "business casual."

  • YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED - If you are a Mason residing in the Harrisburg area and are not currently affiliated with a lodge we invite you join us as a visitor or as a member. Come see what we are about.


   If you are interested in joining our ancient and honorable fraternity the process is described in our Membership and F.A.Q. pages. The easiest way to become a Mason is to ask one. If you don’t know any Masons and are in our area feel free to contact us, or use the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania link we have provided to obtain contact information for a lodge in your area. Click HERE to learn more about membership.



Lodge Building Address (GPS): 585 Nauvoo Rd, Lewisberry, PA 17339

Lodge Phone c/o Secretary: 717-432-4939

Email:  SECY0781@PAGRANDLODGE.ORG (Lodge Secretary) (Webmaster)


Mailing/Billing Address: Secretary, 429 Chestnut Grove Rd, Dillsburg, PA 17019

Secretary Phone: 717-432-4939

© 2025 by Lowther Manor Lodge. All Rights Reserved

Lowther Manor Lodge is a subordinate lodge of the


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